Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 3 Reading and links

Steven Krug’s chapter 6 “Street signs and bread crumbs” is all about navigation. The street signs part of the title primarily deals with site navigation in how a user navigates within a website. How a website is navigated I dependant on whether or not a user is a search first “ user or if the user is more of a “find it myself” user. Search first users locate and target the search function on a homepage as their first priority. They then enter their query information into the search query field in order to locate the information they are looking for as quickly as possible. Depending on the complexity of the site and the complexity of the search, this may be the easiest way to locate information. Users that are “find it myself” users are more dependent on categorized layouts. Layouts may have top bar navigation (sometimes laid out in tabs), sidebar navigation, and lower bar navigation. As a user navigates deeper into a website they need to know where they are incase they need to go back. Breadcrumbs are a way to orient a user by adding a string of text (usually linked to other pages an located at the top of the page in smaller text) that shows the user where they have gone within the site hierarchy. Breadcrumbs are a websites “you are here” locator.

The links below show navigation as well as breadcrumbs as I have clicked into the websites.

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