Monday, October 11, 2010

Project Statement and Creative Brief

Project Statement

Jesse Diaz is a graphics designer that provides digital illustrations and imagery for the digital arts and web industries. Currently a student of The Art Institute of Seattle Jesse Diaz is underrepresented within the larger graphics arts community. The goal of creating a website is to extend the capacity to generate recognition by allowing easy access to previous work. By creating a well designed an easy to navigate web portfolio Jesse Diaz can easily showcase work and capabilities for future clients and employers.

Creative Brief

More and more employers are asking for web portfolios in order for quick access to a potential hire’s work.

Target Audiences:
Graphics design firms, Branding agencies, Graphics artist peers, and future clients

Upon seeing this online portfolio, clients and employers should get a sense of a must have or must work with this person.

Starting from zero and generating a brand and presence

Key benefits:
Access and visibility

Support Statement:
See above project statement

Clean, easy to navigate, fresh, clear and concise

Digital portfolio generated with Iweb, Dreamweaver, and/or Flash

Creative Considerations: Designed towards individuals that have a lot of experience with graphic design as well as non graphic designers

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