Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 4 Reading Comments and Links

Steven Krug’s chapter 6 ”The home page is beyond your control” is about, as you can probably guess, the homepage. Primarily how the homepage should function in order properly use all the different components that the homepage has to accommodate. All homepages are different but the following should be included in a well-designed home page: site identity (who am I), site hierarchy (what’s important), search (where can I find), short cuts (sub-nav for things that are most popular in the site).
Also depending on the type of site a designer will include: registration (members login), deals (what’s on sale now), special content (the topic of the day/week). With all this different type of content location becomes key. The better real estate is above the fold where users will not have to scroll down to find additional content. Tag lines can clue a user to what the site is by giving a general brief statement that describe the site. Directing a user with clear and consistent navigation makes it easier for the user to perform tasks within the website. Also laying out a site with clear starting points for users will also make it easier for the user to perform tasks within the website.




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