Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week 6 Readings

Steven Krug’s chapter 10 “Usability as a common courtesy” was about the reservoir of good will that people have coming into a new site and how to avoid depleting this reservoir by doing things that are helpful for users and avoiding things that will annoy users. The reservoir idea reminded me of this x-girlfriend I had that would talk about as she called it “The trust bank”. It is basically the same idea as the good will reservoir but based around trust. You add to the bank whenever you do things that are considered trusting and you withdraw from this bank whenever you do things that are negative or untrustworthy. I think the illustration on page 162 was a good way to illustrate this but what I found to be missing was that the last two images could have been stronger if the bar went below the neutral line and actually turned red to show a level of anger or frustration for the user.
Steven Krug’s chapter 11 “Accessibility CSS and you” is about how CSS (cascading style sheets) can be used to design websites for people with accessibility issues. It also describes how design for accessibility is not just about making websites that visually challenged users can access but about how a well designed website s easier for people with disabilities as well as for normal users.

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